weekend update 10.18



I am behind in posting my blogs and photo of the day. The computer continues to act strangely and require much more attention just like a typical 3 year old. My van is also needing maintenance but at least it is 6 years old.

Figured out 2 problems this morning. I am going to move the bench at the end of my bed to Andy's room. It will fit perfectly under his piano and be one more shelf for all of these books.


Wow! That bench holds a lot of books. I still have 2 milk crates full for Andy's room. I may still put them on one of dad's shelves. I also have 3 boxes to sell/donate.

I moved the remaining shelves away from the wall. I found remnants of a cookie and grilled cheese sandwich. Gross! I blame both on Ryan.

I want to just move all the furniture now but I have to wait for help. And I still have to paint Ryan's room. And guess what? The little turd sweetie just changed his mind about the accent wall. He wants blue. sigh


Oh wait! Now he wants green.

I suggested that we go get a gallon of paint today so I could save $5 during the sale. Of course Ryan doesn't want to go out. Here come the excuses... "I think I want yellow." Right just so we don't have to go out.

I realize I won't save any money taking them out since it will include lunch. Andy wants to go and hovers in the hallway waiting for a decision.

We won't go so now it's green. What color green? Light. I look at bedding for ideas. I made the mistake of offering camouflage and he wants that. Um... maybe some sheets. PB Teen has a Design Your Own Bed Tool where you can pick the color of the wall and then all the bedding. I found a paint color I like. It's from Benjamin Moore but I will just find something similar at Sears. I also find a quilt we both like. It's more masculine and will grow with him.

I tried to find some bedding for Andy but yellow is just not a color associated with teen boys. I did find a quilt I like at Country Curtains for Andy. It's still a classic but with brighter colors.


I concede. Low fat cheese is fine on a quesadilla and reduces the calorie count by 100. Adding the green onion and tomato were a good choice though I have onion mouth now.

I moved the mattresses with a bit of Andy's help. I know I should wait for Paul to take apart the bunk beds but I have to motivation to do it now.


The bunk beds are apart and one is set up in Andy's room. I will put the other one together after I paint Ryan's room. Sweaty.


Dad's bed has been moved. Ryan wanted to help but he isn't much help. Everything is a game to him. sigh

Nice in dad's room without a lot of furniture.


So I went out and got more paint on Wednesday. I only just bothered to check tonight to find out it is the wrong color. I wonder what the chances of Ryan letting us go to Sears tomorrow are? Ugh!

I was cleaning out my nightstand so I can give it to Andy. (His deep red one will look better in my room.) could I have anymore cough drops in there? I threw them all out. None of them work as well as ricola.


What?!? It was 42 degrees this morning! Did Florida shift north? This is SO not right. Right now it is only 54. I doubt Andy's pants fit. We ARE going to Sears today for pants and paints. I told Ryan he only has the choice on the ROUTE.

Andy slept in poppa's room. It's the bed.


Looked at Wallies today. They have really expanded their line. I was thinking of musical notes for Andy. I just hope he won't peel them like he did in the past. Otherwise I might stamp them on if I can find a big enough stamp. I am only thinking of the corner where his piano is sitting.

All of Andy's pants are size 14. I am pretty sure they will be too short. (They are just OK. A 16 would be better.)


Ryan's room is spackled. It looks that Bonnie & Clyde's car... 37 holes! I don't know if I will have enough to do any holes a second time, the jar is almost dry. And since it had been painted blue, all the white spackle looks even worse.

We did go to Sears. Ryan chose the long way to get there. And we stopped at Publix for pringles and tea.

We chose some green samples then went up to boys to look for pants for Andy. They do not carry Lands' End in the stores only online. They did after the buy-out but it must not have worked out. I got Andy some lined track pants and some cargo jeans. I had him try them on. It was a new experience for him as I typically buy online. He ended up wearing the jeans home as they were larger and felt better. I will have to order more this week.