[summer break in 80 days] day 24

062709 sago

I tried using the scary drain cleaner in the plastic bag yesterday. I let it sit for about 6 hours. It didn't work. I am trying again today. There is no smell. Perhaps this is not the scariest one with muratic acid?

8:35 Breakfast is done and laundry is going. Would really like to back to bed now.

10:14 I guess the 87% humidity didn't bother me so much because I worked for over an hour in the garden. I filled 5 trash bags. I really need to get a composter but it could not have handled all of that anyway. I got another ant bite. You can't feel them crawling on you when you are sweating and are scraping against branches. You can feel the bite and sting. I have another crape unearthed. It's branches were quite long but so tangled in the jasmine that they had to go. I cut a lot of bare jasmine vine. I could not tell if they were redundant so we shall see in a few days if there are dead leaves. If the boys were more adventurous, they could have had a cool hide out under there. Very few weeds and cool in the shade.

11:20 Showered and dressed. And finding it hard to concentrate on solitaire. Nap?

2:45 Gray day and I did enjoy a nap after lunch. Still can't find any motivation to be productive.

4:00 Finally finished reading Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else. Basically, you need to had passion and drive and willingness to work hard to achieve great things. Now what?

6:06 My friend S called. I haven't talk to her in a long time. She is at scrapbook store garage sale and someone is looking for Deluxe Cuts templates. S knows I don't scrap anymore so she called. I agreed to sell my templates (cheap!) so I had to make photo templates out of them. I just spent a couple of hours do just that so know I have a lot of variety when it comes to photo mosaics. I might make them available for download on my photo blog. I have to figure that part out. Time for dinner.

8:09 I have just been dismissed. Saturday is washing hair day for the boys. The rest of the week they take their baths without my help. I help with the hair, make sure their head is wet, dispense the shampoo (to make sure they don't use too much) and help with the rinsing. I poured the shampoo into Andy's hands and he said "Thank you." I stayed and he said it again. Do you want me to leave? "Yes!" Oh.