[summer break in 80 days] day 43

8:38 Showered, shaved and fed. No quite dressed yet.

8:55 I started reading a new book today, The Girls from Ames: A Story of Women and a Forty-Year Friendship.

9:35 At the park. I wish we didn't have to do water aerobics today. Would rather not even swim. Oh well, I am dressed for it and I know I will feel better after we are done.

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9:45 I just realized that our trip through University of Tampa was a photo walk. And we are walking through USF today. i should have brought the other cameras for the boys. Andy would just want to take video.

9:50 I just asked Ryan if I should get the cameras and he said no. I'll try to remember the P&S so Andy can take video, next time.

I just realized this morning that I promised Ryan a new bike for his birthday. Expensive birthday.

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11:15 Done with swimming & aerobics and waiting for Andy to get changed. Fat man with black speedo was here. The last half hour, he was walking around the pool slowly. What?

11:29 At the bank. Oh those fries smell good but I can hold out. What I really want is something to drink.

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2:22 Done with our mini tour of USF. We saw only 3 art pieces. Ryan would have loved to have had the full tour of the library. Another time. I saw some great places I want to come back to without kids. It rained poured as we were leaving.

This is the communications building. I like the architecture.

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The boys wanted to go inside.

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This is the first sculpture we found. It's called Solar Rotary and on the summer solstice lines up perfectly with the circle below. It was hard to get a good shot of the whole thing.

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What is with Libraries and that classic architecture of the forties and fifties? We will have to come back and tour the whole building. And they have an Starbucks inside!

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This one called Unspecific Gravity but looks like a bunch of Mickey head balloons.

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We got back in the car and drove to the other end of campus. We ended up parking at Moffitt. It brought back some memories.

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This is called Maze and well, it was more like a maze to find it. They are building next to it and it seems lonely.

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The boys really wanted to go up another elevator. Se we went back to mid-campus and found the parking garage. It's 8 stories tall and we parked on the roof. The boys were happy to go up and down and it was not crowded so we didn't bother anyone. I think Andy would have been happy to walk up and down the stairs as well.

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4:56 home and relaxing. This time I uploaded my photos right away. 375 down to 175. Still quite few that might need some noiseware software.

8:52 L came over and bought some garage sale stuff for a friend of hers who missed it on Saturday.

Andy has been bugging me about his new recorder. I told him I couldn't order it today but that was wrong. The check has to clear first so it will tomorrow. He is a little upset that he has to wait until Tuesday. Will he understand he can't abuse his things? Probably not. I would love to get him another video camera but he just drops things too much.

I was SO good today. I had only ONE cookie for dessert after dinner.