[summer break in 80 days] day 73

081409 blog

7:06 I love iTunes but every so often I lose music. And the sad thing is that I don't it's missing until I am reminded of it. See, I have a lot of music. You don't even want to know how much. OK you probably do want to know but I don't want to tell you.

Anyway, back to my point. I was going through Google Reader and there were a post about Talking Heads This Must be The Place and 3 versions of the song. First off, I had to buy the Shawn Colvin album Cover Girl. Then I went looking for the original Talking Heads version. I could find no Talking Heads at all in my library. Huh? I went to the EHD where my music is stored and didn't see the folder either. WTH?! It's not a big loss since I do have the original CDs but still... I finally did a spotlight search and found the errant folder. How did it get there?!

7:50 No gardening today. I think I strained my back yesterday. Ironic that all summer I have been gardening with the bending and such and no back problems. Yesterday I was sitting and strained something to make my hip hurt today.

8:28 When we first got the piano (electric keyboard), we set it up in the family room so I could make sure was not abusing it. He had to ask to play since he couldn't be trusted to make sure no one alseep or on the phone. Eventually, I moved it into his bedroom because I needed the space for more scrapbook inventory. Andy continued to ask to play even though he was told he didn't need to ask. (He still asks to go potty despite my efforts...) But since last week's call with Poppa, Andy doesn't really ask. He will say somerhing that I don't quite catch and then, "I'll practice now." and waits for me to OK it. So silly.

9:54 I would really love a black tea lattè from Starbucks. If I thought Ryan would say yes, I would ask him to go for a ride just so I could get one. I ate a cookie instead but that has not stopped the craving. And now I want more cookies and the lattè.

I know there are places I could apply for respite care. But I don't feel the need to take advantage of the system. See if my kids were neural typical there would be no respite benefits. My kids are different but not difficult. I can hire a babysitter like any other single mom. I just hate spending the money just for some me time. Only 9 days until I get my time paid for by my taxes.

081409 blog-3

10:11 I found a forsythia bloom on the floor. 1) It's wait too late in the season for them to bloom. 2) They don't grow down here in Florida. Therefore... It must be from my silk branches at the front door. I called Andy over asked him if he took it. He said yes so I had to explain that any flowers in the house are off limits. They aren't real and they won't grow back. Odd that it took him so many years before he even tried to eat one.

12:55 Whoa! I just scrapbooked! And... I made 10 layouts in less than an hour. OK, get your jaws off the floor. First off, they are 8x8 size so they don't count as much as 12x12. Second, they are a hybrid digi scrap where I did the photo mosaics and had them printed. So all I had to do was find a cardstock which was the hardest part because my stash has dwindled so. Then I trimmed to 8x10 photo to 7.5x7.5 and mounted that onto 8x8 cardstock. So Summer Break 2008 is done. There are 4 more layouts x 10 so it might take me a while. Then again, the photos have been sitting here for over 2 weeks.

I have to give away 8 of these to aunts and uncles. I made an extra thinking I would give an album to dad. And I guess the last one is for me. But then I got thinking that dad doesn't need an album since I have been making him the photo books. Perhaps the boys will like albums of their own? So I grabbed what colors I had of 8x8 albums and had the boys choose one. Andy chose the yellow with dots, yellow is his favorite color! And Ryan chose the more masculine brown with dots called earth. I had expected him to choose the blue one.

1:50 Ten more layouts are done. I stand when I do the trimming as I can see better and hold the straight edge firmer. Tgis makes my back a bit sore and makes me wish I had a standing desk. Oh well.

I grabbed an envelope to keep track of the cardstock I take from the store. It was something from school regarding Ryan. I opened it figuring it was a survey I forgot to take. But it was his FCAT scores. He did OK in reading and writing and had a perfect score in math! Well done little booger!

5:41 It's probably too late for a nap now. Oh well. I did get some things accomplished: a birthday card, an order pulled, 30 layouts done, photo of the day for today and tomorrow and the ever regenerating laundry.

7:14 We had a big storm come through this evening. Ryan his on the cough while Andy ran around happy as could be. Lots of water in the back yard.

9:27 I ate a lot of melon today. I peed a lot. Time for bed.