[summer break in 80 days] day 61

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8:59 I ordered a few shirts from LL Bean when I ordered new back packs for the boys. I got the same size I wear now. I have a problem with my shirts. I keep staining them. Apparently I need a bib when I eat. I washed the new shirts before I wore them. Yes, I was almost everything before I wear it. I hate the smell of new clothes. Anyway, the shirts seem quite a bit smaller than my Lands' End shirts.

Why do my boys flinch when I raise a knife or my hand?

I am so enjoying cherries this year. I love how easy they are to eat, just wash and go. OK there are the stems and seed to contend with but they are still easier than eating melon which needs to be cut up.

9:41 At the playground. Ryan is whining because Andy is looking at him. sigh I snuck off to take some photos of something other than the playground. Of course the boys followed me a few minutes later.

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12:00 Andy's iPod is messed up. The headphones won't go in. i don't know if he stuck something in there or it broke during the last fall. I can't see anything. At least he has his recorder so is not too upset.

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1:28 Home again. $140 at Target. We got more school supplies. I had only planned on get what was on sale but we got more. Now I have 2 different lists and if Andy needs something Ryan wants it too. Luckily, Andy was wandering so he didn't ask for extra.

8:06 Well pooh! I wanted to announce my zenfolio site for ordering prints and I may have broken my site. I posted a slide show and checked how it looked. It is too be for the sidebar so I went to move it and then I get the highload message. WTH?! Oh good everything is back. Annoying. So anyway, you can now buy prints at zenfolio, announcing slf photography

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