no jokes during holy week

The chiropractor's office is closed for Good Friday. When Dr. B came in, I asked if he was going to spend Friday doing the stations of the cross. He said that they would be at services doing a live reenactment. I did stop myself from asking if they would be crucifying and Jews.

"Now you know I am Roman Catholic." He mentioned that they go to St. Paul's. He asked me what parish I belong to and I told that I was no longer Catholic but my dad goes to St. Mark's.

"Why do you no longer go to church?"

"You know, the whole pope thing."

"No, I don't know. What pope thing."

"I don't like having one old man telling me what to do."

"Even the pope has one man telling him what to do."

He then handed me a pamphlet about going back to the Catholic church.

I should have known as soon as he said "...Roman Catholic." to quietly back away.