coffeeneuring challenge #1

5 october 2015

5 october 2015

I decided to try a new place for my first Coffeeneuring Challenge. Google maps said it was only 6 miles so I moved the route around to get more miles in. I had to ride along some narrow, busy roads but everything was fine.

I went to Stonemill Artisan. By their name alone, I expected breads and other bread type snacks. They had cookies, cakes scones and gelato. It was a cool morning and I ordered English Breakfast Tea and a Toffee & Milk Chocolate Scone. 

I didn't see any bike racks. The place was quiet and I just left my bike outside the shop.

While I waited for my tea to cool, I thought I would have a couple of bites of scones and save the rest for later. The scone was awesome and melted in my mouth. It was gone before I realized it. The tea never did cool down and I didn't want to wait any longer.

I rode back through a housing development. I had heard there was a bike path that went behind the houses. I looked for it but never found it. I did find another path to my friend's apartment. There was a boardwalk that had been recently been restained. I tried to slow down but it was very slippery and I wiped out.

I recovered and went home. On the first day, my back and head hurt. The second day, my should and arm hurt. The third day, my elbow hurt. On the fourth day, the bruises are starting to show.