20160522 cycling

68° wind 3 NE
I was running so I had to keep it short. I went out to BBD despite the wind direction. I was up to 14.9 mph when I got to SR56. I saw Rose going to work. Why was she going in so early? I lost a little speed on SR56 because of the wind. It was stronger than 3 mph. I finished strong.
7 miles 14.8mph

Bus late. Drove the boys to school and no time to ride before work.

thunderheads far south of us

thunderheads far south of us

72° wind 2 SE (felt like SW and stronger)
Tried to ride hard but had some stomach pains.
More construction traffic on WRB. They are extending it to SR54.
LMP blocking bike lane on CLR. I realized they hadn't been blocking me for a few weeks.
10 miles 14mph

74° wind 4 SSE (stronger)
Started out well enough. Wind definitely felt stronger. Started coughing on SR56 after I smelled what I thought was fresh cut wood.  I was up to 14.5 when I turned around on WRB. Dusty from dirt haulers. Wind and coughing slowed me down to 14.2 but I pushed into hang on to that.
10 miles 14.2 mph

74° wind 2 SSW (felt like SSE)
Rode well. Went to BBD believing the weather app. Wind was light but against me on SR56 and MPB.
11 miles 14.6 mph
Only 38 miles this week. At least I crossed the 1000 miles for this year

State Games. No ride.

20160520 bike miles.PNG

This week: 38.3 miles
This year: 1010 miles