the fat trap

I heard about Tara Parker-Pope's article on NPR. I was intrigued. Not only is it hard to lose weight and maintain the loss, our bodies fight to add back the weight. But unlike an alcoholic or drug addict who can quit and avoid temptation, a person must eat to stay alive. It is a bit depressing knowing that my body will fight me while I try to lose weight. It makes me feel that joining Cathy Zielske's Move More Eat Well is the right path. This isn't for a few months, it is for life.

That said, I did not walk today. The weather was frigid and I have only workout clothes for warmer weather. It was cold yesterday as well but I did walk in the afternoon once the temperature got about 45 degrees. Today, my afternoon was filled with haircuts for the boys and a trip to the bookstore. hmph