[summer break in 80 days] day 75

081709 blog

8:11 So much for getting up early this week in preparation for next week. Actually I did get up at 6 despite not setting the alarm, the problem is that I then went to the computer and time warped to 7:15 before I got up again. But at least I got the mosaic done and posted.

11:40 In the car. Lianna and her kids were at the playground. She was meeting her über skinny friend and her 3 kids. Good grief! We all went swimming and Matthew and I had some great splash fights. He is tenancious and doesn't get upset when he loses.

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Swimming makes you hungry! Coletta said it is the water making your body temp which makes you hungry. I just thought it was because it's lunchtime.

Oh! Nice motorcycle. Broadway? I have never heard of it. Then again my knowledge is limited as I call it a motorcycle and not a hog or a bike.

1:25 Home. The lawn guys are here early. Oh they must be hot! The car temp showed 100 on the way home.

After getting school supplies for 3 weeks, Ryan went that way in Target but we are done. Whew!

5:43 I just learned how to whiten teeth in lightroom. Easier and better results than photoshop actions.

8:49 I called Bonnie to tell about my "new" skill in Lightroom. Then it was almost 8:00 and time for baths. I realized I never got around to reshooting the clock so I found another photo to work. I did get a card done for Lois and her birthday is in another week! It feels good to be ahead of schedule. I must remember this feeling. But then I remembered the things I forgot at Target and Andy failed to mention that he used up all the AAA batteries.

I also got the mosaic done for fall 2006. They are rather fun.

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Oh and what with all the storms this afternoon? Yesterday they expected NO rain for today. This morning they said 30% which usually means no rain. But we got his which a bunch of small storms. Lots of noise.