[summer break in 80 days] day 76


6:56 Showered dressed and starting the oatmeal. I have already made tea, cut up a melon, started the laundry and fed Andy. Only Ryan questioned me, "You're cooking early?" Meanwhile Andy was happily eating his sausage about 90 minutes earlier than usual.

8:52 Andy lost his recorder this morning. We checked Poppa's room and the boys' room and then moved to the playroom. I had forgotten about making them clean it this week so I got each one started on a section. Ryan was picking up the dumped legos in the closet and proceeded to dump the box twice. Andy was picking up under his desk where all those thing fall when he sits down. It is the land of forgotten crap he picked up to fiddle with and then dropped when he lost interest. He was picking up one thing at a time instead of just sweeping the stuff out and then separating. Finally they were done with their tasks ans Ryan was asking for a quarter. sigh We had forgotten about the recorder but then Andy had it 10 minutes after finding it in my bedroom.

Jenna's card is in the mail. I photographed the last 2 cards I made then played with the number clock. First I used a colorful vest as a backdrop then I moved on to quilts andAndy's rash guard shirt. I think the shirt looks the best since it is tie dyed and already abstract. I didn't try any paper since that might take all day.


12:55 Home.

We went to Target to pick up the things we forgot. We were ready to leave and no Andy. We came in through the green doors so we went to the blue doors to check. Nope. Ryan waited in the car while I went in again and found him walking with Kathi, an employee. He has been good all summer and it was our last trip... sigh.

Next I got a black tea latté from Starbucks had to correct them 3 times as they kep saying chai. I don't want chai! sigh

Then filled the tank. Please tell me why they ask if you want a recipt and then say you have to go inside to get it?

Then off to Weightman. I think we went in the side door so missed the directions and such. Ryan stuck very close to me but Andy bounced around the gym. We were told that the bus will NOT be picking up Andy at the house but on CLR & Stetson. WTH?! So I have to walk him up there with Ryan then go back home for Ryan's bus. ugh! At least Andy's bus is scheduled to stop at 8:00 am.

We finally got done and walked to Andy's class. But the classroom was dark and locked. So we drove home and had grilled cheese for lunch.

4:23 Andy finished cleaning his room and wanting to vacuum. He did a few passes but it was hard trying to keep his ears blocked at the same time. I think we need to invest in some headphones that airline workers use. Anyway, I ended up vacuuming his room and the hallway. It should make me feel better but it just shows me how stained the carpets are. Yuck!

I weeded my photos down. The ones of the numbers clock are not as good as I would like. More experimenting! I took my camera to school but gym lighting is horrid! What a waste.

6:17 Breakstone cottage cheese is gross.